Wispy Shavings
This blog was created so I could share my experiences and progress on my various woodworking projects. My current aspiration is to build furniture for my apartment :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Precision Matters
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Lots and lots of wood dust.
I briefly toyed with the idea of using the table saw, or router or something else to make the dog holes more uniform. I ultimately decided to leave them as they were. This is one of my first major projects, and while the holes may look like a toothless beaver made them, they should work just fine.
I'm drilling the holes for the bench stop bolts to go through.
Here's one of the custom bolts I made for the bench stop. I brazed the nut onto some 1/2" all thread. Here it is ready to be brazed.
I was in a bit of a rush, so I didn't photograph the finished product.
Well, the top is now planed to nearly flat, there's less than 1/64" variance in it, and for now I'm pleased with it. I'll be starting on the bottom of it now! Woohoo the end is in sight!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Another Bite of Elephant.
I glued together the first 7 boards I had drilled, and found out that using a 3/8" bit and 3/8" diameter dowels, it was just too tight and the dowels snapped before going through all 7 boards. This unfortunately resulted in the boards not being as straight as I'd hoped, however they weren't completely unusable, so not a big deal.
Introducing the caul! It's the boards on the end that have the black duct tape on it. As you can see I sandwich the boards being glued together between a top and bottom caul, and this helps to keep them nearly flat. I will still have to plane the boards once the glue is dry to get them perfectly flat with each other, but this gets them super close. It was definitely worth the couple days I spent cutting and gluing the cauls together. I made several different lengths of cauls so as the top starts getting wider I can keep them level.
Originally they were designed to be used with carriage bolts and wing nuts, but I was a goof and bought bolts that were too short, but didn't realize it till the glue was already on the boards, so a quick fix was to use a pipe clamp.
The cauls don't work perfectly, there is still some small mis-alignment of the boards as they are glued up, but the cauls have helped to seriously minimize this deviation. I use the duct tape to keep the glue from adhering to the cauls, and it works quite well for this.